Build and manage your data with ease.

A complete platform for building, integrating and exposing your digital services as managed data in the cloud, on-premises, and hybrid architectures to drive your digital transformation strategy.

Now more than ever, companies are modernizing their large legacy monolithic apps into smaller individual microservices. These microservices are loosely coupled to make your application more scalable and highly available. However, the result of using a microservice architecture is that more API calls are exchanged between your client and the microservice. For example, every time you use an app of your favorite social network or check travel prices for your next vacation, you’re using an API. An API Gateway is a way to decouple the client interface from the backend. When a client makes a request, the API gateway breaks it into multiple requests, routes them to the right services, produces a response, and keeps track of everything.

An API Gateway should also include:
– Security
– Caching
– API composition and processing
– API monitoring
– Routing

To support these needs, a system is made that also functions as a data traffic guard. This system is presented in a form that is easy to understand and easy to understand to operate. It called API Management. In practice, this system platform has several components:
– Developer tools
– Reporting and analytics

API Management is the process of building, publishing, administering, and analyzing API’s. It is accomplished through a combination of tools and services to support provisioning, securing, and maintaining of API’s. Visibility is key to ensure APIs are functioning and being consumed as intended. API management ensures compliance with corporate policies and external regulations around data privacy. Businesses can also enforce rules around data governance and API security to ensure they are not leaving backdoors into their applications as well as sensitive data.


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